Lab 7

Huh, I feel that is lab was fairly easy due to my previous experiences in the class. I found it easy to squash, commit, merge, then push the changes to my tool from my other lab and that was a refreshing feeling. I chose to use Black as my Source Code Formatter and Flake8 asContinue reading “Lab 7”

Release 0.2 Recap

Wow, this assignment was probably most interesting assignment I’ve ever done at Seneca, it required solving issues in other people’s GitHub repos and posting pull requests. We don’t really see assignments like this in school settings, its mostly everyone solves this specific issue and submits the code, but we really got to experience contributing toContinue reading “Release 0.2 Recap”

Release 0.2 Pull Request 2

This is the second week of working on open source projects and I tried to find something I liked to work on, which was a React web application to simulate a part of a game, here. Its called the “Genshin Impact Wish Simulator”, which simulates the items and characters you get from the game system.Continue reading “Release 0.2 Pull Request 2”

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